Test your knowledge of cannabis and cannabis rules by answering six random questions.
You’ll receive a score when you finish, and you can repeat the quiz as many times as you want.
You answered correctly.
Thank you for taking the “CannaFacts” Recreational Cannabis Quiz. It looks as if you have a lot to learn about Oregon’s laws on recreational cannabis. Take the quiz again, or to ensure that you are using cannabis legally, review the “Is it Legal?” decision tree section of the website before retaking the quiz.
Thank you for taking the "CannaFacts" Recreational Cannabis Quiz. It looks as if you have some knowledge on Oregon’s recreational cannabis laws but could use some additional information to ensure that you are using cannabis legally. Take the quiz again or consider reviewing the “Is it Legal?” decision tree section of the website to learn more about what is and isn't legal and why. Then come back and take the quiz again.
Nice going! It looks as if you are fairly knowledgeable on Oregon’s recreational cannabis laws but could use a quick refresher to ensure you get a 100% of the answers correct next time. Try the quiz again or visit the “Is it Legal?” decision tree section of the website to learn more and come back to test your knowledge again.
Congratulations, you got a 100% of the answers correct! You appear to know a lot about what is legal regarding recreational cannabis. Consider taking the quiz again to see how you do answering other questions. Oregon’s laws on recreational cannabis are relatively new and continually updated and modified. To ensure you stay up to date on all the current rules, consider visiting the “Is it Legal?” decision tree section of the website.